Saturday, June 19, 2010

Birthday parties!

Abby and Libby were very popular this weekend. On Saturday, they were invited to two birthday parties and I crazily agreed to go! Bill was out in the woods with a bunch of his friends and guns, so I was on my own with the girls. I don't know what I was thinking, but the girls had a great time. Our first stop was Tyson's 5th birthday at the Family Fun Center in Wilsonville. Tyson goes to daycare with the girls and I got to hear some great stories about Libby. Apparently, she is the official greeter of the daycare and says "Hi" to each of the parents as they drop their kids off daily. Here's Tyson blowing out his candles.

Pizza, cake, and root beer. It doesn't get much better than that.

The girls loved racing the speedboats.

The Hopper!

Crawling through the tree house.

Libby's turn on the Hopper, which she loved. I actually had to let her ride three times in a row before I could pry her off.

Abby with the prize she picked out. She's got quite the sense of humor. Our next stop was Elisa's birthday party at Safari Sam's in Sherwood. Unfortunately, I forgot the camera in the car, so I'll have to get pictures from her mom to post. The girls had a great time at that one too! Birthday cake twice in one day! Does it get any better than that?!


Strawberries from our yard! The little hand in the picture is Libby's. She could hardly wait to get at them. They tasted great. We're hoping for more soon.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Oregon Trail Rally, Stage 13

One of the stages at the 2010 Oregon Trail Rally had a water crossing. We hit it flat out both times through!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Garden update.

I've been doing a lot of procrastinating w/regard to getting things planted this year. It has been pretty easy to do with the monsoon-like June we've been having.

While bringing the mail back to the house Thursday afternoon, I startled a robin out of one our strawberry planters. He'd been working over a ripe berry, which I picked and tossed into the yard for him to finish. Earlier in the year , Dad and I, (and by that I mean a 85/15 split, thanks Dad!) put up bird netting up the side of my house. I had plenty left over, so I was able to cover the strawberry plants in pretty short order using cut-offs from the tree house.

I should throw a planter box with something in it between these two.

Today, the family and I made a trip to to pick up a couple tomato plants and some more flowers. Libby fell asleep on the way back, but Abby stayed awake to help me plant them.

Clockwise from the top left: Cherry tomato, a bean Abby planted at her school, regular tomato, then Marigolds and Lobelia the rest of the way around. In the middle are two cucumbers give to us by our neighbors.

From left to right: strawberries, strawberries, blueberry, blueberry, vegetable/flower box.

Tree house update.

Last Saturday, Kricket took the girls to the Stawberry Festival, and I stayed home to work on the tree house. It had been raining the previous week, and was set to rain again that Sunday, so Saturday was the best opportunity.

After a quick trip to the Home Depot to pick up some more staples, I got on the ladder and swathed the tree house in roofing paper.

Next, I covered the high wall with cedar fence boards, with a strip of z-metal where the board join.

I started on this side for a couple reasons: It was the highest, (but also simplest as it was a great big square w/no windows,) and I wanted to minimize the amount of time spent working on a ladder out of the neighbor's yard!

Next, I moved to the front wall, (because it was also square, even though it had window holes.)

I had just about finished with the front wall, when the battery in the cordless circular saw went dead. When I dropped it in the charger, the light didn't come on, and the light in the little fridge was out, as were the lights in the garage, and indeed everything in the house. I had been listening to a book on tape and using cordless tools, so I missed the first 40 minutes of what was to be a 3+ hour power outage.

I called Kricket and advised her not to get in a big hurry, then set about drinking the remaining beers in the garage fridge so they wouldn't spoil.

The keen observer will note the rally car in the picture above. I hope to have some video of Eric and I from the Oregon Trail Rally up on the blog soon.

Libby's 18 month check up!

We went in for Libby's 18 month check up on June 9th. Keeping her and Abby entertained in the exam room while waiting for Dr. Wallis was the hardest part of the whole experience.

Libby weighs in at 24 lbs 8 oz (putting her in the 51% range), is 33 1/4 in tall (86% range) and has a head circumference of 48.6 cm (93% range...yep, that's Daddy's girl!).

I am so cute!

Abby pretending to the Dr. Wallis.

Strawberry Festival!

While Bill was working on the tree house last weekend (he promises to do an updated post later today), the girls and I loaded up and headed to the Strawberry Festival in Lebanon. We met up with my Aunt Kathy and Uncle David, who live in Lebanon and own the Crowfoot Market, as well as my cousin Carrie, her husband, Brian, and their boys, Brenden and Jacob. To top it all off, Grandma (Mimi) came up from North Bend to join the fun. Here are Aunt Kathy and Libby watching the parade.

Jacob, Brenden, and Abby watching the parade. Abby loved it. Of course, they handed out candy (her favorite thing in the world), so that helped.

Libby watching the parade.

Libby, Aunt Kathy, and Grandma.

Carrie and the kids waiting in line.

The twirling dragons!

Libby and Mimi.

Hugs (or strangle hold) for sissy.

These cars were the first carnival ride that Libby has ever been on. She loved it to much that she threw a total fit when the ride ended and she had to get off. We had to ride them again later in the day to make her happy.

Brenden and Jacob.


The Indiana Jones fun house. Abby and the boys must have went through this thing a dozen times. They definitely got their money's worth with their all day ride bracelets.


I want to ride more rides!

Carrie and the kids on the big Ferris Wheel. Since I'm not allowed on any of the rides right now, Carrie had the duty. She was a great sport about it, but I'm sure it'll be my turn next year.

Yay! One more ride on the cars.

It was a big day. Both girls were asleep before we got to the freeway coming home.