Sunday, June 13, 2010

Strawberry Festival!

While Bill was working on the tree house last weekend (he promises to do an updated post later today), the girls and I loaded up and headed to the Strawberry Festival in Lebanon. We met up with my Aunt Kathy and Uncle David, who live in Lebanon and own the Crowfoot Market, as well as my cousin Carrie, her husband, Brian, and their boys, Brenden and Jacob. To top it all off, Grandma (Mimi) came up from North Bend to join the fun. Here are Aunt Kathy and Libby watching the parade.

Jacob, Brenden, and Abby watching the parade. Abby loved it. Of course, they handed out candy (her favorite thing in the world), so that helped.

Libby watching the parade.

Libby, Aunt Kathy, and Grandma.

Carrie and the kids waiting in line.

The twirling dragons!

Libby and Mimi.

Hugs (or strangle hold) for sissy.

These cars were the first carnival ride that Libby has ever been on. She loved it to much that she threw a total fit when the ride ended and she had to get off. We had to ride them again later in the day to make her happy.

Brenden and Jacob.


The Indiana Jones fun house. Abby and the boys must have went through this thing a dozen times. They definitely got their money's worth with their all day ride bracelets.


I want to ride more rides!

Carrie and the kids on the big Ferris Wheel. Since I'm not allowed on any of the rides right now, Carrie had the duty. She was a great sport about it, but I'm sure it'll be my turn next year.

Yay! One more ride on the cars.

It was a big day. Both girls were asleep before we got to the freeway coming home.

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