Saturday, June 19, 2010

Birthday parties!

Abby and Libby were very popular this weekend. On Saturday, they were invited to two birthday parties and I crazily agreed to go! Bill was out in the woods with a bunch of his friends and guns, so I was on my own with the girls. I don't know what I was thinking, but the girls had a great time. Our first stop was Tyson's 5th birthday at the Family Fun Center in Wilsonville. Tyson goes to daycare with the girls and I got to hear some great stories about Libby. Apparently, she is the official greeter of the daycare and says "Hi" to each of the parents as they drop their kids off daily. Here's Tyson blowing out his candles.

Pizza, cake, and root beer. It doesn't get much better than that.

The girls loved racing the speedboats.

The Hopper!

Crawling through the tree house.

Libby's turn on the Hopper, which she loved. I actually had to let her ride three times in a row before I could pry her off.

Abby with the prize she picked out. She's got quite the sense of humor. Our next stop was Elisa's birthday party at Safari Sam's in Sherwood. Unfortunately, I forgot the camera in the car, so I'll have to get pictures from her mom to post. The girls had a great time at that one too! Birthday cake twice in one day! Does it get any better than that?!

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