Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tree house update.

Last Saturday, Kricket took the girls to the Stawberry Festival, and I stayed home to work on the tree house. It had been raining the previous week, and was set to rain again that Sunday, so Saturday was the best opportunity.

After a quick trip to the Home Depot to pick up some more staples, I got on the ladder and swathed the tree house in roofing paper.

Next, I covered the high wall with cedar fence boards, with a strip of z-metal where the board join.

I started on this side for a couple reasons: It was the highest, (but also simplest as it was a great big square w/no windows,) and I wanted to minimize the amount of time spent working on a ladder out of the neighbor's yard!

Next, I moved to the front wall, (because it was also square, even though it had window holes.)

I had just about finished with the front wall, when the battery in the cordless circular saw went dead. When I dropped it in the charger, the light didn't come on, and the light in the little fridge was out, as were the lights in the garage, and indeed everything in the house. I had been listening to a book on tape and using cordless tools, so I missed the first 40 minutes of what was to be a 3+ hour power outage.

I called Kricket and advised her not to get in a big hurry, then set about drinking the remaining beers in the garage fridge so they wouldn't spoil.

The keen observer will note the rally car in the picture above. I hope to have some video of Eric and I from the Oregon Trail Rally up on the blog soon.

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