Sunday, February 7, 2010

Home Improvements...

Right after we moved in, I bought new faucets for both of our bathrooms. However, we ended up sticking them in a closet and forgetting about them for several months. This weekend, I saw them in the closet and talked Bill into changing them out.

Yay! New faucets.

Abby trying out the new faucet.

Libby helping Abby out with the new faucet. Libby wanted to keep playing with the new faucet and got a little upset when we told her no.

Home improvement project #2 had to do with the on-going issue with our friend the woodpecker. We had major problems with him last year (as you can see by the side of the house in this picture). Woody returned a couple of weekends ago. Bill went on-line and bought some netting that is supposed to keep the woodpeckers out. We will see if it works!

Bill and Mr. Bill getting ready to put the netting up.

Libby helping.

Libby got tired of helping and decided to walk around the block.

New bird-proof netting...maybe.

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