Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Children's Museum!

Bill was having a bunch of friends over to play games today, including his cousin Brendan. (There is a group of them who attempt to do this monthly...the wives refer to it as Nerdfest). So, Grammy Paula and I loaded up the girls and Brendan's daughter Ella and bravely headed to the Children's Museum. It had been about a year since our last trip and Abby was very excited. Paula and I soon realized that being out-numbered by the girls may have been a bad idea!

Libby really liked playing in the water.

Abby having a great time!

Ella totally LOVED this. She stayed in the same place for over 15 minutes...completely soaking herself and anyone within reach.

Lots of fun with the water table.

Hiding out in the tree trunk.

We then moved on to the musical instruments and dress up stage.

Notice how Ella's arms are wet clear up past her elbows!

Libby dressed like a Hobbit.

Abby's butterfly wings.

Abby the ticket taker.

Now, we know what to get Ella for Christmas...a drum.

After a picnic lunch, we headed off for more fun! Face painting.

Ella, Grammy Paula, and Libby playing with the light table.

Libby with a new diaper. I took this same picture at our trip to the museum last year. Oh, what a difference 13 months makes.

On to the cafe and grocery store.

Hmm, what should we have for dinner?

Yum, peaches!

Looks like Ella found her future vocation.

Looks like Libby was hungry even after lunch.

Abby looking like a looter.

Abby planting flowers.

On to the doctor's office.

Story time.

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