Sunday, July 1, 2012

Memorial Day weekend in Lincoln City!

 For several years, on Memorial Day weekend, we plan a weekend away with Kat, Eric, and Kiera and my friend Nicole.  This year, we rented a house very near the beach in Lincoln City.  It was great!  The house was fabulous.   Kat, Nicole, and I got a girls night out at the casino and we took a day trip to the aquarium in Newport.  The whole weekend was awesome.

 Hanging out at the house before breakfast.

Headed to the beach!

Playing on the beach. 

 Libby loves the beach!

 Abby building a sand castle.

 Eric, Kat, Nicole, and me!



 Flying kites!


 Playing in the water with Daddy! He was the only grown up brave enough to go in.  It was cold!

 Too cute!

 Waiting to get into the aquarium.


 I picked this for you.

 Libby bonked her head and needed some Mommy time.

 We finally made it in!  Ooh, cool!

 Abby's answer to "What are you going to do this summer?"

 Abby in the "Hurricane" room.

 Headed up to see the lighthouse at Yaquina Head.

 Libby and Nicole.

Can't wait until our trip next year!

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