Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Day!

For several years now, we have gotten together with friends (The Logues, Gonzaleses, and Webbs) and had brunch, then exchanged gifts for the kids. The kids consist of 7 girls ranging in age from 3 to 15 (strange, how did we not get any boys?!) This year, brunch was at Jen and Pat Gonzales's house.

Emma and Carly!

Abby and Libby playing in Elisa's room.

Opening presents!




Breanna and Libby!



Kiera loved her new puppets.

Carly in her new wings and tutu. Too cute!

All the little girls got new Disney nightgowns, which they put on immediately.

Jen says Pat has been watching too much "Cake Boss" on TV. He baked two cakes (one red velvet and one vanilla) and used white molding chocolate to frost them. They were great. He can bring his practice cakes over to our house anytime.

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