Monday, January 23, 2012

Silly girls!

The girls were supposed to be getting ready to put their pajamas on, but decided to do this with their clothes instead. They make me laugh!

The Tooth Fairy is Coming!

When we got home tonight, Abby had a very loose tooth. She was having a great time playing with it.

and playing with it...

It finally...

Came out!

The tooth fairy is coming tonight!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

More swimming pictures!

These are from Abby's camera. She took all of them, except the one of her. Libby is one of her favorite models.

Bathing beauty!


Libby's class.

Abby's self portraits!

Abby is still really liking the camera she got for Christmas. Now that we've gotten through to her that she is not to take pictures of mom in her underwear (it took more than one talking to!), she is taking some pretty fun pictures. Here is a montage she did of self portraits.

I love this one.

Fish face!

Swimming Lessons!

During our trip to Victoria, the girls swam every day. When we got back, they couldn't wait for their swimming lessons to start. The first night was a little rough. Libby decided that she didn't like the teenage boy who was supposed to teach her class and got out of the water, refusing to return. Luckily, there was another class being taught by a teenage girl at the same time, so she was able to switch classes and it's been smooth sailing since.

She does a look at little cranky here.


Not too long after this, Libby decided that she didn't like this guy. When asked why, she finally said that she didn't like his hair. What?!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Day!

For several years now, we have gotten together with friends (The Logues, Gonzaleses, and Webbs) and had brunch, then exchanged gifts for the kids. The kids consist of 7 girls ranging in age from 3 to 15 (strange, how did we not get any boys?!) This year, brunch was at Jen and Pat Gonzales's house.

Emma and Carly!

Abby and Libby playing in Elisa's room.

Opening presents!




Breanna and Libby!



Kiera loved her new puppets.

Carly in her new wings and tutu. Too cute!

All the little girls got new Disney nightgowns, which they put on immediately.

Jen says Pat has been watching too much "Cake Boss" on TV. He baked two cakes (one red velvet and one vanilla) and used white molding chocolate to frost them. They were great. He can bring his practice cakes over to our house anytime.