Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Vacation Day Two: The Ferry, Miniature World, & The Bug Zoo!

After a continental breakfast at the hotel, we headed for the first ferry to Victoria! Libby was totally freaked out about getting on the boat and started crying that she wanted to go home while we waited in line to drive onto the ferry. Luckily, our trip on the MV Coho was very nice. It was a little rocky in the beginning, but turned into a very pretty trip as the sun came up over the water. We got some great pictures of Abby and Libby playing on the Ferry and by the end, Libby didn’t want to get off the boat. Three year-olds (at least ours) are very contrary.

Libby and her baby out on deck.

My big beautiful girl!

My little beautiful girl!

Walking to Miniature World when we got into Victoria. Abby got a new camera from Santa and she took this picture! We'll post some more of her pictures later. She's going to be a great photographer.

Smiling for Sis, who took this picture, too.

Abby's picture of Daddy.

After getting off the Ferry, we tried to get into our hotel, but our room wasn’t quite ready yet, so we parked the car in the hotel parking garage and headed off to our first attraction…Miniature World! Miniature world is definitely something you should see at least once on a trip to Victoria, even though Bill swears it hasn’t been updated since he was a kid. The girls were very interested in pushing all the buttons, which made lights come on, propellers spin, trains chug along, and a sawmill to start (Well, a video about the working miniature sawmill to start. They’re not allowed to run the sawmill anymore due to fire codes.) There was a doll house with working plumbing (hot and cold water!) and several replicas of WWII cities devastated by the war. It was a fun experience.

After Miniature World, we stopped at the Noodle Box for lunch and then off to The Bug Zoo. The Bug Zoo was awesome and I recommend it for anyone with little kids. It wasn’t very big, but it was just big enough and interesting enough to keep the girls’ attention (and ours for that matter!) the whole way through. We took a guided tour from a very knowledgeable guide who had a lot to say and was great at getting the kids (and me!) to pet and hold the insects. All in all, it was a great time. By the time we finished with the Bug Zoo, the hotel had called to say that our room was ready. So, we headed over there, unloaded everything, and took advantage of the indoor pool (which was the only prerequisite that the girls and I had for a hotel). Then, we ordered pizza and watched TV, heading to bed early, because we were all tired after our busy day.

More to come!

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