Sunday, December 11, 2011

Breakfast with Santa!

We have discovered the best way ever to visit with Santa. This morning, we had breakfast with Santa at the new McMenamin's in Wilsonville, the Old Church. It was fabulous! Libby was unsure if she wanted to go up and see Santa at first and had plenty of time to warm up to the idea. We spent about an hour having breakfast and hanging out with Santa and the elves (one who made balloon animals). The girls got to chat with Santa several times. It was so much better than hurrying through a visit at the mall. We will definitely do it again next year.

Abby and Daddy getting seated for breakfast.



Abby headed up to see Santa. Libby stayed at the table. She wanted nothing to do with him, initially.

Abby and Santa.

Telling Santa what she wants for Christmas.

Thinking about what else to tell him.

Showing him her loose tooth.

Secrets for Santa.

Showing him where she lost teeth.

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.

Libby checking out Santa from afar.

Santa playing peek-a-boo with Libby.

Abby and Santa's helper, Tinsel.

Libby being brave.

I'll give him a high five.

Libby wouldn't sit on Santa's lap, but she would sit on his foot stool.

The girls with Tinsel.

More pictures with Santa for Libby.


Abby and Libby with Santa!

Yay, we got a good one of both of them with Santa! Merry Christmas!

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