Thursday, December 15, 2011

Check ups!

Abby and Libby had their 6 and 3 year check ups yesterday. Both passed with flying colors. Libby jumped on the scale like an old pro. She weighs 37 lbs and is 38.5 inches tall.

Abby weighs 62lbs and is 48.25 inches tall. I can't believe she's over 4 feet already!

Abby getting her hearing checked.

Libby getting her blood pressure checked.

Libby's turn for the hearing test.

Vision screening is next. Abby's is 20/20. I was kind of surprised, considering how near sighted both Bill and I are. Maybe she'll get lucky.

Libby's turn for the vision test.

Super cute!

Waiting for Dr. Wallis to come in for the physical exam.

We're all set for another year.

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