Sunday, September 4, 2011

Trip to the State Fair!

On Saturday, we loaded up the girls and headed to the state fair in Salem. First, we met up with Papa Bill, then we headed for the fairgrounds. We got there just a few minutes after 11 am, which is when the carnival opens, so we decided to do the rides first.

Abby loved the roller coaster. Libby was a little more apprehensive, but she had a good time, too.


On to the jungle adventure.

Then, the canoes.

The swings.

Abby talked me into riding the ferris wheel with her. Here she is high above the fair. It was a great view.

Libby loved the pink four-wheeler.

Abby looked a little bored on this one. She's getting a little big for the kiddy rides. Where does the time go?!

Libby in the helicopter.

Climbing the big slide.


Abby getting her face painted.


Taking a break.

Abby really wanted to ride the big swings, but wouldn't go by herself. I can't believe she talked me into going with her. It's probably been 10+ years since I've been on a carnival ride like that, but it was fun.

Posing in the face paint.

My little ham.

Look who we ran into! Heather and the girls had just gotten there when we saw them and we went through the animal barns together. Then, our family was too worn out and hot to keep going, so we headed for home.

Libby was asleep before we got to the car. We had all had a big day.

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