Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 4... Wildlife Safari!

On Thursday of our camping week at Laverne Park, Bill and I loaded up all the kids and headed for a day trip to Winston to go to Wildlife Safari. Thursday was the one day that it was overcast at the park, but it was bright and sunny and close to 90 degrees in Winston. We mad a pit stop at the "Hornet's Nest", the school in Camas Valley so the kids could stretch their legs (and stop fighting)...luckily, after running a little bit of energy off, they were great the rest of the trip.

Queen of the Eagle's Nest.



After lunch at Abby's Pizza (we let the kids choose what to have for lunch) in Winston, we headed for the park.

They were all very excited to look out the windows at the animals that were roaming around.


Mama and her baby.

Buffalo/bison...Abby was very excited to see a baby buffalo and couldn't wait to tell her Gramps about it when we got back.




We had a great time walking though the village, looking at the animals, having ice cream, and playing on the playground.

The tortoise and the owl are apparently very good friends.

I can't remember what this is, but it's super cute.

Dik diks.


Mama and her baby.

Milking a cow...ok, not a real one, but they had fun pretending anyway.

My little milk maid.

My little lamb.

This llama loved Bill and was nuzzling his head right before I took this picture.

Feeding the kids.

My kid.




I am so cute!

Abby and Jacob.



Picking out souvenirs.

My pretty princess.

The kids were given the choice of riding the camel or riding the train...of course, two wanted to do one thing and two wanted to do the other. So, Bill took Abby and Brenden to ride the camel while Jacob, Libby and I took the train.

Brenden riding a camel!

Abby's turn!


Having fun!

Bye bye!

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