Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First day of 1st grade!

Abby was very excited about her first day of 1st grade. Last week, we went to the school open house and met with her new teacher, Mrs. Kehe (pronounced KAY). Abby couldn't wait to see all of her friends from her "big school". She picked out her outfit herself. She liked this shirt, because it matches the designs on her backpack.

My gorgeous girl. How did she get to be so big already?!

Cheesy smile!

Weston, Dean, Jerimaya, Tanner, Abby, and Tyson.

Running to the bus stop. Abby was the only girl riding the bus from Happy Hearts, but she definitely holds her own with the boys.

Waiting for the bus with Mrs. Tank.

Onto the bus.

Bye, Mom and Dad!

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