Friday, September 23, 2011


Shrek the Musical was awesome! Our friends Jake and Judy Jacobson were unable to use their tickets to see Shrek, so they passed them on to us. Abby and I went last weekend. It was great! The costumes and singing were amazing. Abby and I loved it. Thank you so much, Jake and Judy!

Abby ready to go into the Keller Auditorium.

Abby and I in our Shrek ears waiting for the play to start.

What a great afternoon!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Spring school pictures...

Ok, so we're totally late posting these! Unlike when we were kids, the elementary schools now do school pictures twice a year. Once in the fall and once in the spring. Here is Abby's spring picture for kindergarten (2010-2011 school year).

Every year, the Smile Bus comes to Happy Hearts in the spring. Here is Libby's school picture for last year. It was taken in April.

Group photo with Mrs. Tank, Crystal, and the crew.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Open House at Abby's School!

Open house for Abby's school was on Thursday night, which happened to be Grammy night this week, so she got to come with us. Here are Daddy, Abby, and Libby in Mrs. Kehe's first grade classroom.

Grammy and Libby.

Abby introducing Grammy to Mrs. Kehe.

Fun in the music room.


Walking through the school's community garden.

Produce from the community garden is actually used in some of the school lunches. Abby still wants a lunch from home every day, but I'm hoping that maybe this year, she'll at least try hot lunch. We shall see.


We are planning a trip to Victoria, Canada later this year, so we had our passport photos taken at Costco this week and then turned in our passport applications on Friday. Much more of a production than the last time we visited Victoria, when Abby was about 18 months old, but still kind of cool.

Camping at Fort Stevens!

We have had such a great time camping this summer! Doug and Joy invited us for one more trip the weekend after Labor Day and we jumped at it. Joy did all the footwork to reserve a campsite at Fort Stevens. Fort Stevens in the largest campground in Oregon and has over 400 campsites. There is a lot to do and we will definitely want to go back. Here is Libby helping Bill build a fire on our first morning.

Our new tent trailer has been great. We really like it and can't wait to use it again next year.

Michael, Abby, and Libby.

Our campsite was right near the trail head to Lake Coffenbury. The weather was beautiful and the kids had a great time playing in the water.

Libby loved this water fountain. She finally figured out how to use it by herself and was very proud of herself.

The beach is very close to the campground. Doug, Joy, Michael, and Abby rode their bikes over. Bill, Libby, and I loaded up Doug and Joy's dogs and drove over. Within a couple of minutes, Libby was asleep. It had been a busy morning.

Abby on her bike, headed to the beach.

Bill with Tucker and Badger on the beach.

The dogs love the beach!

Libby and Daddy.

Joy packed a picnic lunch for all of us and we flew kites.

Abby hauling water for her sand castle.

Digging to China.

Michael's spiderman kite.

Joy flying her kite.


The wreck of the Peter Iredale.

Mommy chasing after Libby.

Libby and Mommy toes.

Building a sand castle.

It's s'mores night!

Abby and Libby in the tent on Sunday morning.

On Sunday, while Bill and Joy worked on loading up, Doug and I took the kids on a bike ride to the playground.


Upside down Libby!

On our way home. Again, Libby was worn out...although, this time, I'm not sure that Mommy and Daddy weren't more worn out. We had a great time and I was not ready to come home. The weather on the coast was beautiful and about home it was closer to 95. Eww.