Sunday, May 9, 2010

Trip to North Bend with the cousins!

We have been talking about taking a trip to North Bend for awhile now, but with the upcoming rally and everything else going on, Bill hasn't been able to get away. I had lunch with my cousin Carrie last week and she mentioned that she had a three day weekend, so I talked her into heading out to North Bend for the weekend with us. Saturday morning, bright and early, the girls and I loaded up and headed south to Salem where we picked up Carrie and her boys, Brenden (8) and Jacob (5) and then on to Mimi (as Libby refers to both of her grandmothers) and Gramps's. Once we got there, the weather was gorgeous, so we figured we'd better take advantage of it and headed to Winchester Bay to the beach.

Abby, Brenden, and Jacob trekking out on the sand.

Sand stars.

Oh, that is cold.

Baby squat...only babies can do this. My knees hurt just looking at her.

Libby and Mimi.

Libby's mad that mean Aunt Carrie won't let her run into the water.

Brenden building a sand castle that I think Libby stomped on later.

Abby lounging in the sun.

More water for the sand castles. The kids all got so wet and sand covered that we had to change their clothes before letting them into the car.

Abby wrote her name in the sand.

Libby would start out walking towards the water and as soon as she realized someone was following her, she'd giggle and take off at a full sprint.

Ha! I caught you!

Playing in the water.

Bath time for Libby. Sand gets everywhere!

Carrie hanging out with Gramps and Uncle Mike.

Watching cartoons. We've been busy this weekend.

Playing in the backyard.

Yum, hot dogs.

On Sunday, the weather was still pretty good, so we decided we'd better get one more beach fix before heading for home.

Notice how Libby has Mimi's camera? The last three pictures are ones she took.

Baby toes.

The sky.

...and a pretty good picture of Brenden. Maybe she has a future as a photographer.

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