Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Weekend Fun!

For the last two weekends in January, we had nothing planned, which is a rarity recently. So, Bill and Abby devised this list of things for the family to do those weekends. I added a few things as well. Starting Saturday morning, we tried to see how much of it we could get done. We started out with Bill making pancakes for breakfast, then a trip to the library.
Next, we took a journey to Daimler so Abby could see where Daddy works. Here is Abby in the car playing with the post-its and highlighter she acquired from Bill's desk.

After seeing where Daddy works, we headed out to see where Daddy likes to have lunch. We met Grammy Paula and her friend Mary Lou for lunch at Mississippi Pizza. Mississippi Pizza was the setting of a spelling bee for kids that afternoon. Talk about entertainment. Abby really wanted to join in the contest and it took a bit of convincing to make her realize that she's not quite ready for that yet. The highlight of the afternoon was the kid who was asked to spell "liar...as in someone who doesn't tell the truth." and proceeded to spell it
"L A W Y E R".

Our next stop was Powell's books...where Bill and Abby went in and I stayed the the car with a napping Libby. Here is how you can tell when Libby needs a nap!

Our final stop for Saturday was at McDonald's for ice cream and play structure time. Abby list mentions going to the park, but it was raining so we decided this would be the next best thing.

On Sunday, we worked on more of the list, but this time, staying closer to home. Bill made french toast for breakfast per the list requirement. Then, we all pitched in to make cupcakes. At first, Libby was content to sit in her highchair looking cute and watching. This, however, did not last long.

Daddy and Abby using the Kitchenaid.

Mmmm, warm cupcakes.

Libby wants to help, too!

Licking the frosting Daddy made.

Pink and blue frosting, per Abby's request.


The finished product ready to be taken to share at daycare.

The cutest sous chefs ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Those children are beautiful. What fun you all have. PP Bill