Friday, February 26, 2010

Family visits!

February was a short, but busy month. Bill is one of nearly 30 first cousins on his mom's side of the family and several of their/our families live here in Portland. This month, we had two weekends of cousin gatherings. The first weekend, Bill's cousin Emily and her little boy, Mikey, were up to see her brother Brendan and his family, who live here in Portland.

Emily and Mikey visiting with Cousin Julie, who came up from Eugene to see them.

Emily, Abby, Libby, and Mikey going fishing.

Ella and Libby.

Baby Maddy...the newest addition to the second cousins. Libby LOVES her. Every time she sees Maddy, she starts screaming "Baby! Baby!"

Brendan's other sister, Allie, is also in Portland for a few months. Allie works for the national parks and is stationed in Sandy right now. Allie, Julie, and Ted.

Cousin Pam playing with the kids.

Julie, Allie, Pam, and Brendan.

Bill has two cousin Emilys...I know, maybe a little confusing, but true. Emily, Amy, and Baby Maddy.

Playing in Ella's kitchen.

Baby Maddy with Aunt Pam and Aunt Emily.

Weekend #2, Bill's cousin Kathy and her husband, Michael, came to visit her sisters, Pam, Emily, and Amy, who all live in Portland. Here is Cousin Kathy with Ella, Grammy Paula, Libby, and Aunt Martha.

Baby Maddy 2 weekends in a row! Maddy and her mom, Amy.

Rockstar Libby!

Jess and Ella.

Singing and dancing with Cousin Emily.

Singing with Grammy, Abby, Cousin Emily, and Cousin Pam.

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