Friday, February 5, 2010

Whew, it's Friday!

It has been quite a week. We found out on Tuesday that the daycare that the girls have gone to since Abby was 8 months old is closing, so the hunt for the perfect daycare has begun. We all saw one on Wednesday that we liked, that is just down the street, so that may be the winner. We'll keep you posted on that one.

Today, however, was the perfect way to end a tough week. Bill went in really early this morning, so he could be home when our new washer and dryer were delivered. I never thought I'd say this, but I can't wait to do laundry!

Our old washer and dryer found a happy home with my Uncle Mike.

Feeling as though I had just had enough for one week, I got off work a couple of hours early today. There was beautiful sunshine out and we just had to make good use of it, so we took the girls to the park.

Abby and Libby riding a cow!

Libby climbed up all by herself.


I see you!

Making "lemon" pie.

Yay, muddy water!

Dinosaur Bones and my little archeologist.

We ended the day by going out to dinner at a Chinese restaurant with Pat, Jen, Brea, and Elisa. It doesn't get much better than that!

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