Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Part 2!

Christmas Part 2! My parents arrived yesterday, so the Christmas festivities continued. Abby couldn't wait for Grandma to open her present, so she started helping. Grandma loved her blanket.

Now, she can cuddle with her girls anytime!

My dad is notoriously hard to find a Christmas present for. What do you get the guy who has everything...and then some? If he's my dad, a huge antique meat cleaver is just the ticket.

He totally loved it!

Libby opening some more cute clothes from Grandma and Gramps. The kid has the best outfits. Libby also got a mechanical kitten from her Aunt Rhonda. It meows and walks and purrs. She was totally afraid of him at first. The first night, she would pick him up, but only by his ears and would hold him way away from her. She's starting to warm up to him now.

Abby also got some super cute clothes. She got an art set from Aunt Rhonda and has spent the last couple of days making tons of "art projects". She's loving it.

Bill got a fuel nozzle that he has wanted for the last couple of years for Christmas. He was totally happy about it. I got some awesome pasta bowls, a new huge picture frame that I'm totally looking forward to filling, and a new bed set.

Amazing what a mess can be made in just a short amount of time!

Abby and Libby took their new chalk out to play in the garage today.

Libby wearing the new rubber boots Mommy and Daddy got her for Christmas.

Bill has been working out in the garage most of the day today. The girls went out to "help" him earlier. They had a great time wearing his helmets.

Abby the race car driver.

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