Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Check ups!

On December 8th, we took the girls in for Libby's 2 year check up and Abby's 5 year check up. It is quite a production with both of them. Abby went first and the whole time, Libby kept asking Dr. Wallis (who we love by the way), "My turn now?" and "What are you doing?" (as the Dr. typed everything into her laptop). When it was Libby's turn, she got up on the exam table and laid down with her arms straight out from her sides and yelled, "MY TURN!". Here is Libby waiting, with her baby, to see the doctor.

Abby with the special glass they had her wear to check her eye sight, which is 20/25. Apparently, kids eyesight doesn't get to 20/20 until they are about 7.

Nurse Desma (who we also love) giving Abby her hearing test, which she passed with flying colors.

Libby waiting her turn.

Libby is 34 inches tall (52nd percentile) and weighs 28.5 lbs (72nd percentile). Her head is 50cm around (96th percentile...that's my girl!)

Daddy reading to Abby while she waits for Libby to be done. Abby is 45.75 inches tall (88th percentile) and weighs 55.5 lbs (96th percentile).

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