Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tree house: Paneling, Siding, Railing, Stairing?

Oh, I had a busy week! I hatched an ambitious plan to finish the tree house in time for Abby's birthday on 8/1. I'm sore now, but it is done.

I averaged about 2 interior panels a night. Doug H. came over on Tuesday night to help me finish the exterior siding. By Friday Night, I had one wall left to do.

After breakfast on Saturday, I got to work. The last panel went up quickly, and I was able to build the stairs/ladder before Abby, her Mom and Grandma got back from their pedicure!

Next was the railing, which compared to doing the one on the deck, (44'+ for the deck, vs. just under 8' for the tree house,) went remarkably fast.

Oh yeah, I made some pretty cool grab handles out or 1/2" pipe!

I added a second grab handle on the other side.

The finished product!

I plan to install the windows in the fall, and now that I don't need the trailer for hauling wood, the rally car will go back on it!

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