Saturday, August 14, 2010

Baby Beers 3 Ultrasound!

On Thursday, August 12th, we went in for a 20 week ultrasound for Baby Beers. The girls have a book where the little boy in the book gets to go to an ultrasound for his younger sibling, so they really wanted to be able to go. We took them, which was not maybe our best plan ever. Kids in books are much better behaved than the ones in real life! They had a really hard time sitting still for the procedure. To top things off, the baby was in a weird position with his/her (we intentionally chose not to find out the baby's sex) arms tucked up under his/her body, so there were things the ultrasound tech needed to see that she couldn't. Apparently, none of our children wanted to cooperate that day! So, we will be going back to have another ultrasound in a month...and not taking the girls this time. We did, however, get a couple of nice pictures.

Baby feet!

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