Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 22, 2010: Take your Daughter to work day!

I was pleased last week when my in-box had an email from corporate that they were doing "Take Your Child to Work Day" again this year. They didn't do it last year, (even though Abby was probably too little then anyway,) and I was really hoping it happened this year.

We walked in from where I park, (way out in the lot,) along the Willamette, into the building and to the security desk to get Abby her badge:

Then on to my cube to unpack her gear. (I've never taken this much stuff to work ever.) Abby did a quick inventory of DVDs, as I promised to let her watch one, (w/her earphones on,) after lunch.

I took her around to meet my boss and co-workers. My friend Ben had brought his daughter Ellie, (5,) in with him. I'll have to see if he has any pictures of the two of them together, because I totally spaced it! They got on well together, and had a good time.

I took Abby on a quick tour of the building , including a trip out to the front to see one of our trucks that was on display.

On the way back to my desk, we took a quick walk down to the Willamette. "No Abby, we can not make sand castle today. We're here to work. Well, I'm here to work."

Hard to resist that level of cuteness though.

We ate lunch together in the cafeteria: Pizza for the big girl, taco salad for yours truly. Abby got to sit at the big kids table with some of my friends and I.

After lunch, we took another walk, and Abby was ready to lay down and take a break. She chose a Backyardigans DVD and curled up under my desk. I wished that I'd brought my own pillow.

At the end of the day, (in this case, 2:30,) Abby and I headed home. Walking back out to the car we saw a couple lizards basking in the afternoon warmth on some benches along the path. We headed downtown to pick up Kricket, then all headed out together to pick up Libby.

I'm looking forward to doing this again next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that you did this with Abby. The pictures in front of Corporate sign and with the big truck, priceless. oxox Momo