Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Unexpected Snow.

It started to snow around 2:30-ish today. Big, soft flakes had soon covered the yard. Kricket called me and asked that I go pick up Libby from day care, so she wouldn't have to get off I-5, and could come straight home. I had Abby with me already, and by 4, we had Libby in the car and were headed home.

Fast forward two hours, skipping: spinouts, ambulances, sliding cars/trucks/trailers, morons, etc.

Home at last. 7 miles in two hours? Let's see, hmm, carry the... 3.5 miles per hour! Luckily for me, the girls slept most of it. I wanted to.

Lots more snow had fallen at our place by the time we got home, 3+ inches. Time for snow angels and snow men.

Now, about this next picture: I watched Abby take the snowman's head that she'd been making and plunk it down on to her sister's head. "It was an accident!" was the excuse, "Time out" was the response from me, and tears were the result from Libby. After getting it out of her hair/neck/hood area though, she was just fine!

I remembered the sled! I forgot I now have 70+ pounds of kids! Where is a RMK 700 when you need one?

I'm still working on getting Abby to do a normal smile for the camera.


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