Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's alive, part 2

Monday was to be the rally car work day, but it ended up being today, which was fine by me. I spent a couple days trying to track down new drive shaft bolts, but ended up using the ones I had because replacement M10 fine thread socket head cap screws are difficult to find.

A couple of my friends from work, Bryce and Aaron, came over to help. Both of these guys know a hell of a lot more about cars than I do, and it was nice to have the expertise, and a 30mm socket!

Right and left half-shafts: installed.

Transmission: Filled.

Gear oil: spilled on floor and pants.

Battery: charged.

Start: No.

Battery: changed to my yellow top Optima.

Start: No.

Aaron: Is the wire from the ignition switch to the starter connected? No.

Start: wants to.

Bryce: I can hear it bubbling, it's out of gas.

Bill: I'll get gas. You guys want to start bleeding the brakes?

Gas: Purchased.

Brakes: Bled.

Start: Yes.

Wheels: On.

Back out of driveway without hitting anything: Pass, on second attempt.

Test drive around block in the snow: Passed.

It's alive!!!! Please note the exhaust coming out of the back! Oregon Trail, here we come!


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