Sunday, December 20, 2009

Squishy floor.

Last night I noticed that the floor of the downstairs bathroom was kind of humped-up around the front of the toilet. Pushing around on the floor seemed to feel squishier than it should. I cut a little flap open, and sure enough, the particle board under the linoleum was soggy.

After getting back from Christmas doings at the Chamber's house today, I started taking the bathroom apart to find the extent of the damage. I removed the toilet and cut back the linoleum far enough to get to dry wood. Using a circular saw, I cut squares in the soggy particle board and started to pry them up.

The "floor" that I removed:

A lot of the floor came up in chunks, but quite a bit crumbled apart as I removed it. Most of the construction paper I had to scrape off, and the paint on the T & G sub-floor came off, (it looks like to the extent of the water.)

I'm calling a plumber tomorrow to get professional opinion on the best way to repair this. Not exactly the way I wanted to spend the first day of my vacation, but better to find out now than later!


1 comment:

Joy said...

Yuck! Merry Christmas to you.