Friday, November 23, 2012


Since Grammy Paula moved into a new house in June, she was very excited to do Thanksgiving at her house for the first time in several years.  It turned out fabulous!  Mr. Bill and Aunt Paula joined us and everyone had a great time.

 Playing on the computer with Papa Bill before dinner.


 Silly Abby!

 Bill and Suzy relaxing.

Abby made place cards for everyone and they are super cute. Aunt Paula's






 Papa Bill's

 Grammy set up an art station in the garage.  Here are the girls having themselves traced and then coloring in the results.

 The spread!

 Aunt Paula, Papa Bill,and Bill.

Libby with Grammy and Papa Bill.

 Grammy!  The hostess with the mostest!

I think we wore Grammy out, but dinner was wonderful!

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