Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Camping at Big Eddy!

We love camping! We haven't been since last summer and couldn't wait to go this year. The girls love anything that involves lots of dirt and Bill loves anything that involves fire, so camping is a win/win for everyone...well, except maybe me, but I like being somewhere that forces me to slow down and relax. On Friday, July 2nd (my birthday), we loaded up the kids and the gear and headed out to the Big Eddy Campground in Columbia County. We hadn't been out there in a couple of years, due to it being flooded in 2008, but with some minor improvements, there was very little that had changed. Here is Bill getting everything set up.

One of the things that we love about Big Eddy is the playground that is a big hit with the kids and can keep them all entertained for hours. Libby spend a lot of time on the Rockin' Squirrel, just as Abby did when we camped there in 2007.

Daria playing tetherball. She's great at it and totally kicked my butt.

Elisa on the slide.

Abby on the slide. Despite the fact that it never got over 63 degrees the whole weekend, she and Elisa refused to wear warm clothing.

The Rockin' horse.

Libby climbing the slide. That child has no fear, which makes me very nervous sometimes.

Libby's big jump!

Yay, dirt!
It tastes good too.

Getting ready for the spaghetti feed, courtesy of the Waibel family. We had the great time with everyone. It was our first camping trip with the Waibels (Rod, Angela, and Zack) , the Shiachs (Mike, Keri, and Daniel), and the Wilsons (Chuck and Daria). We camp almost every year with the Gonzales family (Jen, Pat, Breanna, and Elisa) and Dave Carner and they all keep coming back for more! They are so brave! Kat and Eric Logue couldn't make it this year, because they just sold their house and had to get everything out of it (yay!), but they did bring Kiera and come up for the day on the 4th.

We all love spaghetti!

Uh oh, spaghetti-0's.

The Rockin' squirrel again.



Queen of the tree stump.

The best (and biggest) camp stove ever.

Making breakfast.

Zack, Libby, Daria, Elisa, and Abby.

Getting ready to go home.

This was so much fun! I can't wait to do it again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the pics and we had a great time! :)