Thursday, December 25, 2008

Last minute shopping.

On Tuesday, I headed back to the MLK Loaves and Fishes center, only to find out that they weren't delivering meals that day, so I drove back home.

Kricket had been cooped on in the house with the girls for quite few days, so on the 23rd, Mom came down to watch Abby and Libby, and frost up some Christmas cookies.

Kricket and I headed south to Wilsonville on Boones Ferry Rd., thinking it would be an easier drive than I-5. We were right, up until we got to the police cars and the ambulance. We never did find out what happened, as we ended up on Norwood across I-5, and eventually made it to Costco/Target, where we finished up here last minute shopping.

On the way home, we decided to try I-5. That was a mistake. Very slow and crowded. When we got to the 205/I-5 North merge, there were three cars spun out on the side of the road: A 4x4 F-150, a Saturn sedan w/chains, and a Volvo wagon. We pulled over to help, as I'd already attached the ARB tow-strap we got for the Alcan rally. In fact, I'd already used it to extract a Suburban that day, and a Tacoma the day before!

The Saturn driver and the Ford driver didn't know each other, but were helping each other out. We hooked the tow strap to the back of the Ford, put it in low range and got him out on the first tug. Then we pulled out the Saturn. I checked on the Volvo, but since he was on summer tires and didn't have chains, I didn't want to pull him out, and was relieved to here that he had help on the way.

The beast has been very good during this snowy/icy weather. I've been doing the meals on wheels up in NE every day, (save the weekend,) since the 16th and haven't gotten stuck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bill you are a very good samaritan! How lucky they were that you had a tow line on "the beast" Kathy