Friday, August 22, 2008

Packing it up!

I've spent most of the day packing up the house. Abby is with her Grandma and Grandpa tonight, I'm waiting for the after-action review on that one!

Kricket and Kathleen are headed down to Walgreens, (open 24 hrs!) to pick up some more packing tape.

Our living room:

Our hallway:

Tomorrow: The big move!

Busy Days.

We've had a couple busy days recently. Busy enough that we haven't been posting. I finished painting Abby's room last week, adding some hills and sky to her castle.



We had some ridiculously hot weather last weekend, but despite that, Dad and I got a lot done, including installing our washer and dryer.

I took Thursday and Friday, (today!) off from work this week to prep for the big move tomorrow. Dad and I finished the painting, (save for the entryway ceiling,) which was quite a job. Doug and Joy had come over the night before and cleaned the upstairs carpets, and painted the ceilings in the up and downstairs big bedrooms, and the upstairs bath. While dad was painting the upstairs bathroom, I trimmed in the upstairs and downstairs bedrooms.

Before, (a couple weeks ago!)


Upstairs bath:

After that, I painted the remaining ceilings, up and down, and did the edging for the hallways. Then Dad and I finished up the hallways and the stairs with yellow.



At about one in the afternoon, the delivery guys brought our new refrigerator.

Dad taking a break with Suzie at the end of the day.

Abby using my pocket to hide her fruit snacks from Suzie.

Coming up Saturday: The Big Move!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Baby Carly makes her appearance!

Heather and Justin's baby made her appearance today! Carly Helena Webb arrived at 11:13am, weighing in at 5lbs 12oz and 18 inches long. She is, as Abby put it, "A cutie pie". Her big sister, Emma, is totally in love with her. Emma is spending a lot of time holding, kissing, and talking to Carly. We hope Abby likes her new sibling when it's born as much as Emma likes Carly.

The Webb family.

Heather and her beautiful new baby.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Storming, (painting really,) the Castle!!!!1

Tonight, Abby and I left Kricky at home and headed to the house to do some painting. That is I did the painting, and Abby played with her toys. I was really proud of the way she behaved: she stayed in the same room in which I was painting, and (almost) never got in my way, and didn't touch any of the paint. She did, however, find and eat 10 or so packages of PEZ candy, so we'll see how she sleeps tonight!

Under all of my stuff from Dad's house is a little garage fridge that Julie and Ted gave us.

I stocked it up tonight.

After a night's worth of playing, Hurricane Abby had this to show for it:

And after the same time painting, I had this to show for it:

I've still got to go back and do a little touch-up and dry brushing, but the castle wall is just about finished!

Once it's done, I'll add some sky blue and green hills. It's got to be green for my girl right?!?

Sunday was Party Day!

On Friday, I caught a ride down to Eugene w/Mom and Peter, (Thanks!!!,) and stayed the night at my Pop's place. The next morning, we beat the rush to the Original Pancake House, then went down to U-Haul to reserve a trailer. We picked up Uncle Lou's big Ford truck and headed to Julie and Ted's house to pick up their old sofa-bed. Julie tried, and partially succeeded in sending me off with more stuff! With the couch on-board, we headed to U-Haul, picked up the trailer and returned to Dad's place.

The trailer swallowed all of the crap that I still had at Dad's, and the rest of Paul's with room to spare. I briefly considered checking out what was for free on Eugene's craigslist, but common sense prevailed.

By four, we had the trailer unloaded at the new place, and the couch moved into the new room.

I made that sound easier than it was, hehe. After an unsuccessful attempt to bring it in through the main hall, we broke out the tape measure and determined that it would go through the window.

The room looks great, Teri did a wonderful job! Now, envision a 54" plasma on this wall. Just kidding!

On Sunday, we went to Michael's 3rd birthday party. He and Abby are only 5 days apart, so the first part of August will perpetually be birthday season. Doug and Joy had his birthday party at My Gym, which was a lot of fun for all the kids!

The birthday boy!

Rally kids: Abby, Michael and Haley!

After Michael's party, we headed back to Doug and Joy's for lunch, but couldn't stay too long because Kricket had another party to go to: Heather's "I'm reaalllly ready to have this baby" party.

Kat brought mini-E along.

While all that girl stuff was going on, my father-in-law Frank and I headed to North East to pick up a craigslist find for the garage. A hot-rod enthusiast, who was moving to the greater Fossil/Heppner/Spray metropolitan area had 6 surplus school lockers for sale.

When I got them home, I found that I had unwanted guests, and gave them the Orkin treatment.

Next, storming the castle!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

More work to be done!

As anyone watching our blog can tell, other life appears to be interfering with our house sprucing up duties. Luckily, we continue to have great help. Terri Carner was wonderful enough to come over tonight and paint for a couple of hours, work in the downstairs bedroom that we're turning into the TV/computer room.
Bill's new cabinets for the garage. Purchased for a nominal fee from our new neighbors across the street, Ron and Linda, who are remodeling their kitchen.

More cabinets that were moved to our garage.

Gratuitous shot of Abby sitting on the lawn across the street. Their lawn looks a lot nicer than ours...for now.

Monday, August 4, 2008

My Birthday Girl!!!

On Saturday, we had Abby's birthday party and it was well attended by pirates! Abby's cousin Matthew brought the pirate regalia (that the got at Legoland this summer,) and shared it with all of the kids.

Abby's cousin Brendan, brandishing a cutlass.

Michael, (who'll be three next Saturday, ) ready to repel boarders.

Babies Kiera Logue and Megan Retzman vied for "cutest baby at the party!"

A whole crowd of kids waiting for cake:

Abby, using her fork!

Michael, trying to get the whole piece in one bite.

Jen, Heather and Breanna.

After the party, a few people came by the new house, which we were happy to show off.

The new PowerWheels was a big hit. Abby's cousin's Brendan and Jacob have a lot of experience behind the wheel.

Baby Kiera found Abby's old Rocking Jitter-Buggy, loved it, and took it home with her.

I managed to get my Dad to stay overnight and help me out on Sunday priming all of the trim and wainscoting to go back into the living room / dining room.