Sunday, June 26, 2011

Father's Day trip to North Bend.

I took Friday 6/17 off, letting us leave (late,) Thursday night, headed for North Bend. Kricket and the girls slept quite a bit on the way down.

After breakfast on Friday morning, we piled into the van and headed to Winchester Bay to play at the beach.

Sunblock time!

A girl and her kite.

Abby ran back down the beach to hand off her kite to her mom.

A girl waiting for her kite.

Now she has her kite!

Libby pretty quickly handed her kite off to me: it was kind of pulling her down the beach! She headed over to her mom with the pink-octopus kite.

The girls headed down the beach to play in the sand with their Grandma, while Kricket, Frank and I stayed to fly kites.

After a while, Libby decided it was time to get wet.

Frank pointed out a dead Dungeness crab that had washed up.

Libby was pretty interested in the crab.

Abby was pretty leery of it!

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