Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nap time.

Abby and I came in from working in the garage to find Libby and her mom asleep on the couch.

20 minutes later...

An early morning, with hot-air ballons.

On Friday morning, while putting the garbage/recycle/yard debris cans out, I saw a few hot air balloons heading south. I found out later, that Friday was the opening day of the 27th annual Tigard Festival of Ballons.

We had dinner at Kat and Eric's that night and hatched a plan to get up at o-dark-thirty, (in this case, 5:45 a.m.) and head to Tualatin Elementary to see the balloons. They were scheduled to lift off from Cook Park, (just on the north side of the Tualatin River in Tigard,) almost due north of the school.

Getting ready to go.

At the field.

We saw the first three or so balloons on the way over, but there were plenty still to come.

As it turns out, 0600 is a little early for my little Libby.

Father's Day trip to North Bend.

I took Friday 6/17 off, letting us leave (late,) Thursday night, headed for North Bend. Kricket and the girls slept quite a bit on the way down.

After breakfast on Friday morning, we piled into the van and headed to Winchester Bay to play at the beach.

Sunblock time!

A girl and her kite.

Abby ran back down the beach to hand off her kite to her mom.

A girl waiting for her kite.

Now she has her kite!

Libby pretty quickly handed her kite off to me: it was kind of pulling her down the beach! She headed over to her mom with the pink-octopus kite.

The girls headed down the beach to play in the sand with their Grandma, while Kricket, Frank and I stayed to fly kites.

After a while, Libby decided it was time to get wet.

Frank pointed out a dead Dungeness crab that had washed up.

Libby was pretty interested in the crab.

Abby was pretty leery of it!

Kindergarten Grad!

Dad and Kricket went to Abby's graduation from kindergarten ceremony.

Her graduation cap is too cute!

Getting the diploma. She also took home one of the marigolds in the red cups, which we planted this last week.


I'm not sure what this pouting was about, but it didn't seem to last long.

Abby and her friend Maggie.

Abby and her teacher, Mrs. Hildebran.

First grade in three months!