Thursday, November 11, 2010

Easy Bake Oven!

I am very fortunate to have some amazing families on my caseload at work. One of the moms with a kiddo on my caseload presented me with an Easy Bake Oven for the girls during a home visit a couple of weeks ago. Typically, I don't take gifts from my families, but this one was too special too pass up, so after the OK from management (and several co-workers who thought I should keep it in the office and use it to bake cookies for staff meetings), I brought it home. Abby and I have had a great time baking with it.

After searching the internet, I found some recipes that use regular cake mix in the Easy Bake, which is awesome, since the refills that make 2 cakes each are $6.99. Too crazy! This was the first attempt with regular cake mix and it turned out great. In fact, I really considered making another one just for me after the kids had gone to bed.

Yummy cake with sprinkles!

My own cake!

I'm eating the whole thing! No bites for mommy.

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