Saturday, October 16, 2010

Corduroy comes to visit!

I went to pick Abby up from school on Tuesday and found that we had a guest for the next couple of days. Abby's kindergarten class has a stuffed Corduroy bear that each kid gets to take home for a three day visit during the school year and this week was Abby's turn. Corduroy comes with several change of clothes, a towel for his bath, a blanket, and a toothbrush (which we promptly lost and had to buy a replacement before he returned to school). Corduroy also comes with a journal to record his adventures during his visit. We took the following pictures and added them to the journal.
Abby and Corduroy having a snack in Starbucks.

Libby wanted to play with Corduroy too.

Corduroy watching Abby get a haircut.

Abby, Libby, and Corduroy playing at the park.

...and, Libby's off.

Corduroy basking in the sun.

Corduroy and Abby at her swimming lessons.

Asleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed after a long day of adventuring.

Night, night.

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