Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Libby's first night in her big girl crib!

Libby has begun "talking" at odd hours of the night and it's started making it hard for Mommy to get her much needed sleep. So, Monday morning at about 4:30 am, I pushed the bassinet, chatty baby and all out into the hall and closed the bedroom door. It was great! I got about 45 more minutes of sleep and she got to "talk" without disturbing anybody. However, that little episode just demonstrated what Bill's been saying for a couple of months now...it's probably time to move Libby to her own room (well, Abby's room). So, last night, Bill finally put the finishing touches on the crib (it had been recalled between kids and needed a few pieces that we ordered from the manufacturer months ago to be put on). Then, Libby went to bed in her new big girl crib. Abby, being the best big sister in the world, decided to make a bed on the floor (her real bed is less than 3 feet from the crib), so she could be close to the baby last night.
Libby, sound asleep in the crib.

She looks much smaller in this than she does in the bassinet.

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