Monday, January 5, 2009

Libby's first trip to North Bend!

Christmas night, we decided it was time to head for somewhere warmer, so we loaded up the car for the journey South to my parents' house in North Bend. It actually was a white Christmas at our house and this is what our driveway looked like that morning.

After packing up just about everything we owned, we were off. While Mommy was getting some stuff ready, Grammy gave Libby a bath.

The next day (Boxing Day), we celebrated Christmas again! Abby thought that was the greatest. Libby snuggling with Grandma in her candy cane pants.
Hanging out with Mommy.
Special delivery.
Aunt Rhonda reading to Abby.
During our visit, we had planned to take the 4 wheel drives on the beach, but the weather was too bad and the surf was too high, so we just drove out to Bastendorff Beach and watched the ocean from the car. Here are Abby and Bill watching the waves.

The ocean.
Baby bathing is a favorite past time of grandmothers. Here's Libby getting a bath from Grandma during our visit.

Bill and his babies relaxing during our visit.
Libby napping in her swing.

Libby hanging out with Grandpa Frank.

We also went to see the Christmas lights at Shore Acres during our visit.

Abby and the Puffins.

Abby with Grandma and Grandpa.

Libby was not very interested in the Christmas lights this year.

On the way home from the coast, we stopped in Eugene and stayed the night with Bill's Aunt Martha and Grammy Paula, where Libby got to meet some of her great Aunts and Uncles. Here are the girls snuggling with Aunt Martha.
Libby and Aunt Liz.
Bill with Uncle Lou and Uncle Chris.

It was quite a trip. We had a good time, but we were glad to be home. Traveling with two small children is not for the faint-of-heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are going good for you, Bill. Definitely get a hold of me next time you're down and we'll hang out. I'd love to meet your youngins, and you can meet mine. Sam