Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Move In.

We moved into our new house the weekend before Labor Day weekend. We had a lot of our friends over to help. Early Saturday morning, Kricket and I went over to the Tigard U-Haul to pick up our truck. Our downstairs neighbors were nice enough to move their cars the night before, so I could back right up to the walk way. Come to think of it, our downstairs neighbor, Ms. Grumpy-Pants, was probably so eager to have us move that she would have helped out with the down payment.

Doug showed up about 8, and he and I started carrying down all of the boxed stuff to Frank, who was in the back of the truck. Shortly after that, my Dad showed up, followed by Jen and Pat. In pretty short order, about 10:30 or so, we had the truck full, and realized we had at least another truck load to go.

Frank and I drove the U-Haul over to the new house, and it drove heavy, pulling to the right so badly, that all I had to do to make a right turn was to let go of the wheel. I parked the truck on the front yard, and we commenced to unloading. By this time, Kat and Eric, as well as Ben and his kids, Jack and Abby, had joined us.

Dad carrying in boxes:

Eric and Pat unloading a bookcase:

Abby, Abby, and Elisa playing together upstairs.

Frank, wishing it were cooler.

Me, wishing it were cooler.

Jen carrying in a box.

Jen, shortly after hiding my pizza cutter, which I still cannot find!

Eric and Ben, bringing in the couch. They got the facing right the second time.

Delphine, enjoying the fruits of Ben and Eric's labor.

I made sure to set up the bed while I still had energy.

Jack, crashing his PowerWheels into a bush.

Delphine, Jen, Kat, and Breanna.

Jack, Abby, Elisa, and Abby getting down on some pizza.

Thank you so much for helping us move in!!1

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