Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Ghosts of Christmas Past!

We are going to have breakfast with Santa.  I recently ran across these old pictures of the girls with Santa and thought they'd make a nice lead in to this year's Santa pics.

 Abby in 2005.  She was 4 months old.

I'm not sure what happened in 2006.  It may have been that Abby had a terrible meltdown when we tried to get her to sit on Santa's lap.  Unfortunately, I can't find a picture of it, but this is 2007.  Isn't she cute?!

 Abby and her new baby sister in 2008.  Libby is now very proud that she wasn't scared of Santa when she was a baby.

 This was taken at Pony Village in North Bend in 2009.  Santa's a little low rent.

In 2010, we attempted to see Santa, but had to change the plan in midstream due to unforeseen difficulties.  I wrote this blog entry about it.

In 2011, we had breakfast with Santa at the McMenamin's Old Church.  It was great, especially  since Libby had no intention of sitting on Santa's lap, but she did go talk to him and agreed to sit on his foot stool for pictures.  We had such a great experience with this last year, that we already have tickets to do it again and are taking our friends the Logues with us.


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