Sunday, September 4, 2011

Camping in Laverne Park...days 5 & 6!

The weather was perfect the whole week we were camping. It was in the 80s almost every day. We got to swim...or at least float three days.

Gramps floating.

Water fight!

Libby having a snack.

Libby and Gramps.


The water cannons were a lot of fun.

Aunt Kathy.

Carrie and Jacob.

Uncle David.

Silly Libby.

Playing on the swings at the playground, which is exactly like it was when I was a kid!

Aunt Kathy and Uncle David the last night of the trip. Sunburned and relaxed.

Quiet time in the evening watching a movie in Aunt Kathy's trailer.

Playing games.

Cutesy Libby the last morning of our trip.

Jacob, Abby, Brenden, & Libby. The girls love playing with their cousins.

Bill pushing the kids in the "dizzy dummy".

Family picture!

Say cheese!

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