Saturday, December 25, 2010


Christmas seems to have come early this year. How could it be December 25th already?! It was a rush of activity to get things finished up in the last couple of days, but it was all worth it. Here is Bill helping Santa out by putting together the girls' new wagon.

Libby checking out her stocking. This is the first year that she really "got" Christmas. She asked me last night if Mrs. Claus was coming to the house with Santa. It was too cute.

Abby opening presents with Grammy.


Bill's dad is on a year-long trip around the country and is currently outside Charleston, South Carolina. Bill spent some time last night getting things set up so we could Skype and Papa Bill could see Christmas morning with us. Libby loved Skyping with Papa Bill.

Abby opening the new piggy bank she asked Santa for.

Libby sitting on Grammy's lap with her new Dora slippers.

Abby was very excited by her collection of Ramona books. We started reading Ramona the Brave before nap time today.

Libby and her Minnie Mouse.

Daddy opening Minnie.

The girls loved their new wagon.

Santa also brought back a silky that Abby lost about a year ago. (Bill found it in a box in the garage while looking for an antennae to use the wireless network for for Skyping. How it could have gotten there is a total mystery.)

The girls couldn't wait to go for a ride in the wagon.

Grammy took the girls for a ride through the neighborhood.

Yay, Grammy!

Libby and Abby each got a new pair of sunglasses in her stocking. Libby promptly put hers on her head, like I wear mine most of the time. Too cute.

Snacking before dinner.

Big smile!

I saw these petti-skirts and couldn't resist getting them for the girls for Christmas. Apparently, they screamed "Abby and Libby" for others too, because they also got them from their great grandparents! Abby's is even the same color I picked out!

Libby playing Daddy's new video game.

Too cool!

Merry Christmas to All!

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