Sunday, November 8, 2009

Disneyland...headed home ( Monterey to Eureka and beyond)!

The trip along Big Sur and up to Eureka was beautiful. This is a lighthouse somewhere along that route.

We went over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Fransisco and stopped to take pictures. Abby loved this statue.

Libby really wanted to walk everywhere by herself. What you can't see in this picture is the crowd of Italian tourists who stopped what they were doing to watch Libby climb the stairs and then clapped when she made it to the top and started walking around. It was really cute. She totally loved it.

We're considering taking the blog international, since Libby has such a following in Europe.

Golden Gate Bridge.

Abby and Aunt Rhonda.

Family picture.

Good picture of Bill.

Libby and Aunt Rhonda.

Before we got to Eureka, we stopped to play on the beach. The girls (and the rest of us) loved it, especially after being in the car some much for a couple of days.

Grandma on the beach.

Away she goes!

Libby also wants to eat everything she comes across. Yuck!


The last day, we drove from Eureka, through North Bend, dropping off my mom and sister, to Tualatin. We considered going through the redwoods and stopping at Trees of Mystery, but we'll have to save that for another trip. Everybody was pretty tired and ready to get home, but we had quite an adventure.

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