Sunday, August 23, 2009

Libby's 9 month check up!

Where does the time go?! Libby had her 9 month check up on Wednesday, August 19th, and as you may be able to tell from these pictures, she's moving a lot now. Her favorite past times right now include getting into anything left on the floor, including Mommy's purse if I'm silly enough to leave it in her range, and eating or attempting to eat anything she can find, including change, bottle caps, and newspapers...yum!
Libby weighs in at 21lbs 11.6 oz and is 29 inches tall. All of these put her in the 92-93 percentile for babies her age. We're so proud!

Libby's other past time is trying to get up the stairs while Mommy and Daddy aren't watching. I'm headed to Babies R Us this week to buy new baby gates! She is going to be walking in no time!

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