Monday, March 30, 2009

March Madness!

The entire month of March has been crazy! We've had some great adventures. The first weekend, we went to Gleneden Beach with my parents, my Aunt Kathy and Uncle David, and my cousin Carrie and her boys, Brenden and Jacob. Abby was sooo excited to spend the weekend playing with her cousins. Bill and I took half the day off on Friday and we met up with my parents at the coast about 3pm. The weather was beautiful. My dad bought kites for Abby and the boys...and one for Grandpa. Since the weather was so nice, we decided to try them out. Here's Abby and Daddy flying her kite.

Abby's kite.
Abby and Grandpa flying his kite.

Abby and Grandpa.
Abby climbing around the tide pools in her new raincoat and matching boots. Green! Her favorite color.
Grandpa and Grandma flying a kite.

Grandpa's kite. He had 500 feet of string and he let it all out. It took forever to reel it back in!

Mommy and Libby enjoying the sun.

Day two the weather was not nearly as nice. Notice Bill has on his coat and hat, but he's still wearing shorts. Ever the optimist! Bill and Abby went swimming in the pool twice. Even though it was outside, the water was warm and Abby loved it. The second time, I joined them, along with Carrie and the boys. We then all went down to the beach to fly kites again.

Even Uncle David and Aunt Kathy were having a good time!

Brenden walking along the beach.

Libby and Mommy. Notice my eyes are watering from the cold wind. Libby didn't say down there long. She and Grandma decided it was too cold for them and they soon headed back to the time share to warm up.

Abby flying her kite.

Jacob flying his kite.

Abby playing in the sand.

Carrie, Jacob, and Aunt Kathy.

On Sunday, the weather was even worse, so we decided not to brave the beach. We actually had snow, rain, and hail that morning. Instead of the beach, we all loaded up and went to the Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport. Here's Abby watching the otter.

Abby and Brenden.
Brenden and Jacob.
Bill and Libby checking out the sights.

Sea Anenome.

More March posts to come!

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