Sunday, December 16, 2012

Gingerbread House!

Abby's school had a holiday night on Friday where the kids could make gingerbread houses.  Unfortunately, we had too much to do, so we didn't get to go.  We compromised, by telling Abby that we would make a gingerbread house at home this weekend.  We picked up a kit yesterday, where the house was already made and we just got to decorate (I know, totally cheating!).  The girls and Bill and a great time and it turned out fabulous!

 Libby spent more time eating the candy than she did putting it on the house!

Abby was so excited about doing this.

 The finished product!


Sander's family party!

We had a big day on the 15th!  After our breakfast with Santa, we headed to Lebanon to an ornament exchange with my mom's side of the family.  We finally got home around 11 pm, exhausted and happy.  Bill and I were $6 richer from beating my family at cards!

 Playing with the cousins.

 Snack time.

 Uncle David and my mom.

The girls goofing around with Jacob.

 Mommy, Libby, and Aunt Rhonda!

Carrie and Stacy!

 A birthday cake for my mom, since her birthday was Friday.

 Rhonda and Brenden.

Aunt Sandy and Rhonda.

 Me and my girly cousins and sister.

 Carrie, Me, Stacy, & Rhonda!

Next weekend, we head to the annual Wenzl family party!


Breakfast with Santa!

Last year, we did breakfast at the McMenamin's Old Church with Santa and it was wonderful.  This year, we did it again, only this time, we took our friends, the Logues with us and Grammy Paula.  A good time was had by all!  After years of trying to see Santa at the mall, this is the only way to do it!

 Kiera with Santa.

 Libby told Santa that she wants a lawn mower for Christmas.  Pretty funny.  Santa said that was an unusual request, but that he would see what he could do.

 My cutie!

 Abby told Santa that she wanted "everyone in the world to be happy" for Christmas.  A pretty tall request for a 7 year-old!

 He also let her pull on his beard, just like in Miracle on 34th Street.

 My other cutie!


 Kat, Eric, and Kiera at breakfast.

 The balloon animal elf.  He was great.

 Abby's candy cane sword.

 Kiera's flower.

Libby's candy cane.

 Our little reindeer.  I can't wait until next year!
