Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Libby again!

Apparently, Libby needs better supervision. After the milk incident yesterday, this is what we found her into today. In case, you're not sure...yep, that's a big canister of sugar. As I stood there and tried not to laugh, Bill actually uttered the words, "Abby never did this!"

Monday, September 13, 2010

Libby is so helpful!

Libby is home with me for awhile while I recuperate. She decided that she was going to help herself to some milk this afternoon. This is what Bill saw when he looked down from upstairs. It was hard to be mad, because she looked so proud of herself.

Fixing the boats.

Abby and Libby's little fleet of boats saw some pretty serious duty this summer, first at Laverne Park, and then later at Silver Falls State Park. I built the boats out of scrap 2x4s last summer, and gave them coats of bright colors. They made their debut at our 4th of July camping trip to Tugman Park, and later appeared at Abby's 4th birthday party.

The boats were looking pretty ragged by the end of summer.

I've been really trying to keep busy, so on Saturday, I took some time to sand down the rough spots, and repaint.

I put a couple more hooks on the pegboard above the workbench to act as a drying rack.

All ready to go for next year!

Brendan and Jacob, (Kricket's cousin Carrie's sons,) have requested their own boats patterned after the yellow one. I'll get those made over the winter.

Camping in the tree house.

On Sunday, 9/5, Abby and I planned to spend the night in the tree house. The following day, we were headed to the Children's Museum, so it seemed very appropriate.

I used the same air mattress we'd used at Laverne Park, and at Silver Falls the previous weekend. However, it was too much for the mattress: at about 0130, I woke up to Abby and I lumped together in the middle of the bed, and it sagging a lot. I got up, and carried Abby up to her room, then came back out and got our gear.

She was a little confused about why she woke up in the house, but it didn't dampen her spirits at all. We ended up spending a little over six(!) hours at the Children's Museum.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

We are a sad family today.

I've spoken to some of you directly, and you may have heard from our parents: We lost our new baby. Kricket and I found out at an ultrasound appointment on Thursday.

Kricket and I went in for her surgery early this morning. I had her back home and in bed by 9 a.m. She is safe and well, but very sore and very sad. I told the girls this morning. Libby is way too young to understand, and Abby is teary-sad.

Both of our moms are here helping out. Kricket is sleeping, and I'm keeping busy with yard work, and repainting Abby's little boats.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Abby's first day of Kindergarten!

Abby has been so excited about going to kindergarten for the last three weeks that she could hardly stand it. This morning, we went to the daycare and watched her and her friends Jeramaya and Weston off on their first day of school. I have just a few minutes until the "Boo Hoo Breakfast" for kindergarten parents starts, so I thought I'd get the pictures up.

All ready to go in the outfit she picked out herself.

Weston, Abby, Jeramaya, and Libby.

...and Mrs. Tank.

Libby, who seems to be growing up too fast, too.

Waiting for the bus.

One more picture.

Off she goes.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ice maker!

Bill finally hooked up the ice maker in the refrigerator! I know that may not sound like much, but we've been in this house for two years this weekend (we moved in Labor day weekend 2008) and it's been on the "to do" list since that time. It's finally done and we're loving having ice cubes. Hehehe.

Camping at Laverne Park!

Camping! August 17th to the 22nd, we loaded up the kids and headed for Laverne Park, in Coos County. My cousin Carrie and I started planning this trip last year around this time. We camped at Laverne for several years in a row when we were kids and wanted to take our families there. It's great for kids, with a playground, swimming hole, and lots of room for riding bikes. My Uncle David and Aunt Kathy camped with us and my parents came up and visited one day. Here is Brenden looking out over the river from our campsite. We had a great time and are starting to plan another trip for next summer.

Bill making ribs and corn-on-the-cob.

Uncle David and Brenden supervising dinner.

Aunt Kathy and Carrie teaching Libby to play rummy.

Worn out Abby.

Bill made wooden boats last summer for our trip to Tugman Park. They were a big hit again this year.

Libby spent as much time in the water as her boat did.

Carrie, Abby, Libby, Brenden, and Jacob.

"Mine pink boat"


Abby and Jacob at Fort Steelhead on the playground.

Whee, swings!

Aunt Kathy and Libby.

We were at the park Tuesday to Saturday and until Friday, there were just a few other campsites occupied. By Friday afternoon, though, it was filling up fast.

On Friday, we took at trip to Grandma and Gramps's and all went to the beach.

Gramps and the Samaruchi.

Aunt Rhonda and Mimi.

Gramps and Libby head for the water.

Carrie and Sadie,who is possibly the laziest dog alive.

Building a sand castle, which was quite the construction project. I guess that's what happens when Daddy's an engineer.


Carrie's friends Natalie and Krissy came down to visit for the day, too.

Sadie dog.
Gramps playing sand taxi.


Loading up to go home.