Friday, October 9, 2009

We need a new car.

First off, Delphine is OK. She was involved in a crash on 217 yesterday on the way to pick up the girls. Quite a surprise for all involved!

Now I'm trying to talk Kricket into a Legacy wagon!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Look who's walking!

Libby's now taking 4 or 5 steps at a time. It won't be long at all before walking is her preferred mode of transportation! She seems ready for this, but I am definitely not!

Libby's also got several words in her vocabulary...Dada, Mama, Baba (bottle), and Uh, oh...the last one usually yelled as she flings things from her highchair or crib. We can't wait to see what she decides to call Abby.

Libby's first spaghetti and playing with Daddy!

Libby has decided that she's not eating anything that we're not eating. So, the other night, we had spaghetti for dinner (Ok, it was rotini with spaghetti sauce. I was out of actual spaghetti.) Libby loved it.

She went straight into the tub after this!

Bill and Libby were playing with the camera the other night and there are some really cute Daddy and Daughter shots. Gratuitous cute baby pictures!

Finishing the deck and a photo op!

Once the stairs were completed, they needed railings. Here they are in process.

Abby decided that while daddy was taking pictures of the stairs, it was the perfect opportunity to dress up and get her picture taken.

Princess Abby!

TADA! This one is my favorite.

Finally, pictures of the finished deck! Yay!

Bill already has plans (and most of the materials) for his next building project...a tree house for the girls! We can't wait!

Last picnic of summer...

We were supposed to go camping on the last weekend in September, but the fates seemed to be working against us, so we gave up and stayed home. However, since we don't know what to do with a completely free weekend, we headed down to Salem for a picnic with my cousin Carrie and her family and my new cousin Colleen (see earlier blog post for pictures of her wedding to my cousin Kevin). Libby loved getting to roam around on the soccer field at the park.
Bill tossing around a football with the kids.



Princess Abby

Look who's standing up!

And...back down.

Carrie and Libby. Look at how wet her knees are from crawling in the grass!


We walked down to the boat ramp (that doesn't actually reach the water, due to a change in the Willamette River pattern) for some fun in the river.

Kids can't just wade in the water for some reason.

Since the boys had their shirts off, Abby decided she needed hers off too.

Colleen and Bill hanging out watching the kids.

Libby's starting to wear out.

Headed back to the car after a fun filled day!