Sunday, September 6, 2009

Playing in the yard and baby proofing...

We've been having a little bit of fun around the house, too.

Abby helping Daddy move things around the backyard.


Libby helping unload the dishwasher.

Libby has been getting into everything lately! I was fixing dinner the other day and rushed into the hall because Abby was screaming, "Mommy!" I got in the front hall and found Libby over half way up the stairs. Needless to say, we now have baby gates at the top and bottom of the stairs! I also had to put a childproof latch on the cupboard under the kitchen sink , because I found her playing in the plastic bags in there. She was having a great time, but I was not so amused.

More camping...

The next weekend, we camped again. This time at Honeyman State Park in Florence. This camping trip was with my Aunt Kathy, Uncle David, my cousin Carrie and her boys, Brenden and Jacob. It was a great time, even if it rained on Friday. My mom and dad and sister all came up to visit. I don't know that I could have handled two weekends of tent camping...especially since it was pouring down rain when we arrived. Luckily, Bill's dad let us borrow his motor home. It was awesome. Here are some pictures of the motorhome taken earlier in the month and then on to camping pictures....
Abby and Libby at their posts in the motorhome.

Happy Libby loves going camping!

Jacob, Abby, and Brenden spent most of the weekend in an on-going nerf dart gun fight.

Aunt Kathy and Carrie by the campfire.

Abby helps Uncle David with the fire.

Brenden and Jacob by the fire.

Libby ready for bed.

Even though it rained on Friday, Saturday was beautiful. It was nice enough that we all headed down to the lake to swim. Bill on the beach.

Grandma and Gramps came down to visit and hung out on the beach with us.

Relaxing on the beach.

Libby got worn out and took a nap with Grandma.

Brenden building a castle.

Abby working on the castle.

Aunt Rhonda helping Jacob and Abby with the castle.

Camping at Silver Falls...

We have done a lot of camping this summer. It's been great! We actually had two summers in a row that we were at state campgrounds. The first weekend was at Silver Falls State Park, which we had never camped at before. The group we went with at Silver Falls consisted of a bunch of engineers and their families, including Doug and Joy. I think we had 6 campsites with 8 or 9 families in all. There was an amazing potluck on Saturday and most went on a hike on Saturday to see the falls. Thanks to Ryan Jefferis for organizing it all!

The kids on the hike.

Abby keeping up with the crowd.

Playing in the water.

Doug and Abby.


Victor, Abby, and Michael.

Abby and a waterfall.

Daddy and Libby by the campfire.

Libby in baby jail. She's the cutest!

Carly's 1st birthday!

Carly Webb turned one on August 12th! We went to a fun birthday party at her house the following Saturday. Bubbles, balloons, and doesn't get better than that! Happy Birthday, Carly!Chocolate cake!

Hmm, let me check this out.

Yeah, this stuff is good!

Carly opening presents with her mommy.

The crowd watching the opening of the presents.

Kiera playing outside during the party.

Libby playing with the birthday girl's beads.

Emma with her goody bag. She decorated outside for Carly's party.

Emma and Abby playing outside.

Yay! Sidewalk chalk.

The birthday girl!

Papa Art's 80th birthday!

August was a crazy month. With all the birthdays and camping trips, we didn't have one weekend that our social calendar wasn't filled! Bill's grandpa, Art, turned 80 on August 5th and we attended his birthday celebration, along will many friends and family members on Saturday, August 8th. I know that some of Bill's family has been waiting for a blog entry and to see our pictures of the event since then. Sorry it took so long, but here it is!

The birthday boy surrounded by his whole family! The party was held at Martin Luther King Jr. Park in Corvallis and was great. Family members came from Montana, Arizona, and Utah to be with Art for his special day.

Art and Clare with all the kids and step-kids (and Libby who's a camera hog).

Papa Art and Grandma Clare with all the grandkids and great-grandkids.

Abby picking blackberries at the park.

The aftermath of the blackberries.

Papa Bill and Libby.

Daddy and Abby.

Libby and another party goer. He was the cutest little guy and he just sat on his blanket and watched everyone. Libby, on the other hand was busy trying to escape to eat dirt and grass.

Oh, the cake table looks like fun!

Aunt Kelly loves having her picture taken!

A fabulous lunch, visiting and games.