Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bike ride!

Abby has gotten really good at riding her tricycle lately and wants to do it all the time...especially, if she can bring her favorite passenger along. Libby totally loves it! She smiles and giggles the whole time.

Libby's first peanut butter!

Bill's family is a little crazy about their peanut butter. For the last two generations, it's been the tradition that Bill's Uncle Tim feeds all babies their first peanut butter. So, on Memorial Day weekend, it was Libby's turn. She totally loved it! No denying who her daddy is now!

Libby's 6 month check up!

Look at my baby sit up by herself! Libby had her 6 month check up on May 18th. She is now 18 lbs 15 oz and 27 inches long. She is growing so fast. In the last week, she has gotten two teeth! Both on the bottom and in front. I'll try to get a picture of them, but she's not enthusiastic about showing them off.

Abby pretending to be Dr. Wallis.

Libby loves her big sister!

Libby's first real food!

Libby has been watching everyone else eat real food and had started drooling all the way through dinner recently. We decided it was time for her to try out some real food...well, real baby food.

Libby's first bites of rice cereal.

I think more came out than went in.

She's now had rice cereal, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, and apple sauce. Oh, and she LOVES chewing on pieces of watermelon.

Bathing Beauties!

The weather in May has been very weird for Oregon. We have had several 80+ degree days. We decided to take advantage of the weather and have a BBQ a couple of weeks ago. Out came the wading pools and the sprinkler.

Carly and Libby in the "baby" pool.
Kiera is a total water baby. She started getting excited as soon as we started filling them up!

Abby and Elisa with Emma and Kiera in the background.

Libby loves being naked!

Our House Guest!

This is Suzy. She was our house guest from the middle of April until the middle of May. Bill's dad took a month long motorcycle trip to the southwest and we dog sat. We learned a couple of things during the, dogs are as much work as a baby and two, we are not ready for our own dog just yet.

Isn't she cute?!
Suzy loves to be petted.


I am totally behind on this. We have had a very busy month! Starting with Easter...Abby and Michael loved having there own table.

Michael was great at the Easter Egg hunt.

Libby and Mama.
Abby hunting Easter eggs.

Bill's cousin Brendan and his daughter Ella. They just moved to Portland and are loving it.Brendan's wife, Jess.

Doug, Joy, Grammy Paula, and Bill's Aunt Paula enjoy the first ham I ever cooked, which turned out well. Yay!